The movie “Kali” stars young heroes Prince and Naresh Agastya. Produced by “Rudra Creations” and directed by renowned story writer K. Raghavendra Reddy, it is a psychological drama film now in its final stages of post-production, gearing up for a grand theatrical release soon. The teaser release date has recently been announced.
Blockbuster director Nag Ashwin will unveil the teaser of “Kali” tomorrow evening, on the 7th, at 4:05 PM. The movie’s team promises a unique cinematic experience with its new plot revolving around the character of Kali.
Cast: Prince, Naresh Agastya, Neha Krishnan, Gauthamraju, Gundu Sudarshan, Kedar Shankar, Mani Chandana, Madhumani, etc.
Technical Team:
- Music: Jeevan Babu
- Editor: Vijay Cutts
- Cinematography: Nishant Katari, Ramana Jagarlamudi
- Songs: Saraswathiputra Ramajogaiah Shastri
- Creative Producers: Radhakrishna Tatineni, Dharani Kumar TR
- Executive Producer: Phaniendra
- PRO: GSK Media (Suresh – Sreenivas)
- Presented by: K. Raghavendra Reddy
- Producer: Leela Gautam Varma
- Written and Directed by: Siva Seshu